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Old Skool is so Kool
Feb 1, 2003 by Greg

Has anyone else noticed a lot of comapanies lauching market capagians with a lot of Freestyle/Old Skool/Ariel FSW used as an 'ACTION' ploy? Maybe its just me going crazy, but a lot commericals have them now. Like The lame Nike Commericals, Special K, Vim Oxy Gel, Sony, etc. I think these people saw my dumbass friends and I jumping down flights of stairs, running along walls, spinning around for no aparent reason, and other Freestylin' insanity and thought; "Hey now, these hipsters are down with the new fashioned way." and used our utter coolness to hauck minidisk players and low fat cereal. Parhaps I should ask for royalites? Bling Bling
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Wyatt Peterson sticking a backslide and throwin up Westsiiiide
Dude sliding a rail on the Soap Van at the Summer Slam demo
Ryan Armstrong, Maxwell, and Casey Faris with the double FS and double flip
Abercrombie Freestyle Walking... what?
Jordan Pushing Aaron off a hand rail. Soap team at it's finest!